cd /usr/bin ## 没有curl可以使用opkg安装或者用wget替代 curl -O tar -zxvf ./AdGuardHome_linux_arm64.tar.gz rm -rf ./AdGuardHome_linux_arm64.tar.gz cd ./AdGuardHome
procd_open_instance procd_set_param command${cmd} procd_set_param respawn # respawn automatically if something died procd_set_param stdout 1 # forward stdout of the command to logd procd_set_param stderr 1 # same for stderr procd_set_param pidfile ${pid_file}# write a pid file on instance start and remove it on stop
procd_close_instance echo"${name} has been started" }
stop_service() { echo"Stopping ${name}" }
EXTRA_COMMANDS="status" EXTRA_HELP=" status Print the service status"